Aisling Health School 1:1 Mentorship


Reclaim your health and energy with the power of nutrition

As seen in

Are you ready to write your new health story?

Health in Your Power

Do you want support and guidance from Aisling FitzGibbon a Modern Medicine Woman and Holistic Nutritionist who understands the challenges of navigating a health journey and is a light house for you to activate self trust in the regenerative power of your body so you can heal and unlock your full health potential.

Aisling Health School 1:1 Mentorship is designed to support you on the path of reclaiming your health using food as medicine and a step by step personalised plan with meal plans, recipes, cleanses, supplement protocols to address the root cause of symptoms/conditions and create vibrant health.

You can choose either a 3 month programme or a 6 month programme.

If this journey calls you, please fill in the contact form here to apply for a 1:1 Mentorship place, we can schedule a free 20 minute clarity call to discuss your health needs and vision and see if this is the right fit.

Past Clients Said …

Healed Thyroid Condition naturally
“Thanks to Aisling and the healing protocols I learned to apply with her guidance, I healed my thyroid condition which was swinging from under to over active and completely balanced my thyroid naturally using nutrition. I feel better than I ever have in my body and health.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support.”
Rachel Worthington

Healed IBS, Digestive Health and Reclaimed Energy
“Working 1:1 with Aisling was a game changer for my lifestyle and whole new way of being. For the time’s we’re in we need to ensure we’re in our optimal condition and vitality. I healed my digestive system of sluggishness, stagnation and IBS.
My physical body feels much more vital, increased energy, lost weight and have amazing mental clarity. The detox of my physical vessel to anchor refined energies and has been a multidimensional journey and brought magical change to my life.Aisling’s work is life changing, highly recommend working with her “.
Yvonne Skelly

The Course Combines 3 Pillars To Unlock The Benefits


Connect to your North Star of how you want to feel in your body and cultivate self love that leads you on the highest path


Learn the best healing foods, recipes, supplements to address the root cause of symptoms/conditions and a tailored step by step plan to transform your health, energy and vitally


Receive expert coaching to support the multidimensional journey of reclaiming your health in your power

Here’s What You Get …


Multimedia lessons so you can learn the key healing information you need to heal at your own pace with lifetime access to the library for life long integration


6 One hour Coaching calls for laser coaching and activating trust and leadership in your Self healing and regeneration journey


A private 1:1 telegram group to receive support in between sessions to answer Qs and keep your momentum going on the right path

This 1:1 Mentorship is for…

Women who want to reclaim their health and body, to address the root cause behind symptoms/conditions, so you can restore your health and vital energy using food as medicine and heal naturally.

The sacred space of your body is awakening you to who you really are, a multidimensional woman with a vision for your body and life that calls you on this journey of reclaiming your health so you can live your calling, in full energy and power.

What would be different for you if you learnt how to raise your energy and reclaim your health?

  • Waking up feeling refreshed and ready to go for the day ahead knowing you had all the energy you need
  • Reversing your chronic health symptoms and conditions so you can feel your absolute best in your health
  • Knowing exactly the healing foods to choose for your body so shopping and meal time becomes a pleasure and healing sanctuary
  • Leading by example by showing others whatโ€™s possible and inspiring your loved ones to practice healthy habits that support them to thrive

Your Guide Aisling FitzGibbon

Aisling is Modern Medicine Woman Holistic Nutritionist, author of Moving From Fear To Trust, founder of Aisling Health School and a leading lighthouse for healing your body and reclaiming your health.

Aisling healed her body from debilitating fatigue, depression, anxiety and infertility igniting her to trailblaze her path outside the allopathic medical model. After qualifying as an Occupational Therapist, and her own healing journey, she discovered that to become the change you want to see, starts with creating the New Paradigm of health where you support the regenerative power of your body which is designed to heal when you apply the right healing protocols and use food as medicine.

Largely known as her role of The Girl Against Fluoride, Aisling evolved from fighting against the system, to become a conscious leader of the New Paradigm of health and sourcing your power from within.

Almost 15 years of personal experience and working with clients from all around the world, initiated Aisling into becoming a Modern Medicine Woman, Holistic Nutritionist and Women’s Health Leader.

Aisling Health School 1:1 Mentorship also support men on their health reclamation journey.

Aisling Health School 1:1 Mentorship programme is tailored for you and your unique health goals. Including 6 Live 1:1 Coaching calls and a library of holistic health workshops curated for your unique journey you have lifetime access to integrate and learn at your own pace.

You’ll have all the tools and foundation you need to create your vision of health, energy and vitality.

My Approach as a Modern Medicine Woman and Holistic Nutritionist

With a background in Occupational Therapy (OT), Aisling understands the quantum leap it takes to transition into the new paradigm of health where you take full responsibility for your own body using nutrition and a regenerative lifestyle to heal your symptoms/condition(s) at a root cause level and create vital life long health.

Aisling combines her training in Occupational Therapy, Nutrition, Inner Family Healing, Energetic Modalities including Belvaspata “Healing of the Heart” and Mindset Mastery to ignite you to become your own Self Healer and leader of your health.

Aisling Health School’s mission is to support you in making the transition into New Paradigm of Health in your power, where you support your body’s regeneration.

Aisling supports the following:

  • Energy levels
  • Adrenals and Nervous System Health
  • Mental Clarity
  • Immune System
  • Digestive Health including IBS, bloating, diverticulitis, SIBO, colitis and chron’s disease
  • Skin Health including acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea
  • Mood, focus and concentration
  • Transition off suppressing symptoms with medications to addressing the root cause
  • Autoimmune conditions including thyroid conditions, arthritis, celiac, and diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure and Low Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Epstein Barr Virus
  • Lyme Disease
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy
  • Reproductive health including PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids
  • Fertility, healthy pregnancy, postpartum, children’s health
  • Hormonal balance
  • Transition through Menopause
  • Self Mastery and self responsibility
  • Moving From Fear to Trust
  • And much more

Pick a Plan …

Before investing in 1:1 Mentorship, itโ€™s important that we get to know each other and make sure weโ€™re a good fit to work together.

Fill in the application below to apply for free 20 minute Clarity Call.

3 Month Payment Plan

per month for 3 total payments
  • 1:1 Mentorship Programme
  • Lifetime access to library of health classes
  • One hour Initial Consultation and 8 Follow Up Sessions, 1 hour each session over 3 monthsย 
  • Private 1:1 Telegram group with Aisling for questions between sessionsย 
  • Monthly Distance Healing Session
  • Energy field held for you to embody your Highest Health Potential

6 Month Payment Plan

per month for 6 total payments
  • 1:1 Mentorship Programme
  • Lifetime access to library of health classes
  • One hour Initial Consultation and 17 follow up sessions over 6 monthsย 
  • Private 1:1 Telegram group with Aisling for questions between sessionsย 
  • Monthly Distance Healing Session
  • Energy field held for you to embody your Highest Health Potential

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions You Might Be Asking …

Will it work for me?

If you are committed to self mastery, taking full responsibility for your health and put in the work to live a regenerative diet and lifestyle, it will work for you. Everyone’s healing timelines are different and you have to understand this is a journey and results depend entirely on your level of commitment, consistency and where you are in your health journey.

What if I want a refund?

No refunds are available for this 1:1 tailored programme so make sure it’s a whole body yes when you commit.

When does the mentorship start and finish?

The 1:1 Aisling Health School Mentorship is 3 month programme with sessions twice per month or a 6 month programme with sessions twice per month.

Will I get access to the full mentorship all at once and what happens when we finish?

Yes you will get full access to your training library which are tailored to your specific health intentions/goals with lifetime access.

What do I do if I need help?

Share your questions in our private 1:1 telegram group that’s available Monday-Thursday and bring them to our live coaching calls.

Email support is not included.

Can I pay with Debit/Credit card?

Yes! You can pay through Stripe with either Credit or Debit Card, pay in full or with the monthly payment plan.

Do I have to go fully plant based?

No I work with both plant based and animal based eaters in my practice and all healing diets are tailored for you, there’s no one size fits all, it’s unique to every individual and where you are on your path.

Now Is Your Time

1:1 Mentorship:

  1. Tap into your body’s infinite wisdom and learn to understand the messages from your body and soul that are expressing as symptoms/conditions in your body and address them at a root cause level, reclaiming your health and whole life.
  2. Learn how to use food as medicine to cleanse, remineralise and regenerate your body so you feel your absolute best in your body, your first and foremost sacred space.
  3. Create a regenerative lifestyle that creates the best energy and health of your life so you can create your dreams with vital lifeforce.

You’re Invited on the journey

It’s Time To Reclaim Your Health

Let’s walk together and write a new story where you reclaim your health

Before investing in 1:1 Mentorship, itโ€™s a great to make sure that we’re the right fit to work together.

Fill in the application below to apply for a place in the mentorship.

Aisling xo

3 Month Payment Plan

per month for 3 total payments
  • 1:1 Mentorship Programme
  • Lifetime access to library of health classes
  • One hour Initial Consultation and 8 Follow Up Sessions, 1 hour each session over 3 monthsย 
  • Private 1:1 Telegram group with Aisling for questions between sessionsย 
  • Monthly Distance Healing Session
  • Energy field held for you to embody your Highest Health Potential

6 Month Payment Plan

per month for 6 total payments
  • 1:1 Mentorship Programme
  • Lifetime access to library of health classes
  • One hour Initial Consultation and 17 follow up sessions over 6 monthsย 
  • Private 1:1 Telegram group with Aisling for questions between sessionsย 
  • Monthly Distance Healing Session
  • Energy field held for you to embody your Highest Health Potential

The root cause of skin condition

Working with Aisling I was able to heal the root cause of psorasis by detoxifying my liver and cleansing my skin with hydration, food based and supplement protocols. I didn’t know where to start and Aisling helped break it down for me step by step in her 1:1 programme. The great gift has been learning how to truly support my body and health long term so I can be a healthy role model for my family as a husband and Dad.


I came to Aisling after being told I needed long term medication for mental health, not only did Aisling empower me to understand the root cause behind my symptoms, she laid out the pathway for me to detox my body and reclaim my health. Thank you for all that you do, it’s life changing.
While working with Aisling in her 1:1 Mentorship I was able to wean off antidepressant medication, thyroid medication and blood pressure medication, Aisling guided me to make the changes to my diet at a pace I could handle as a busy Mom of 3 and working full time. Now I feel clear and empowered on the path I’m on for my health and I thank you for a wonderful experience that helped me reclaim my health and body after years of feeling disconnected I know feel I can see the interconnection of all my organs and the reasons why I ended up needing so much medication. I have my life back.
Having been told I had an incurable autoimmune disease causing Rheumatoid arthritis I was feeling very hopeless, when I came across Aisling it was a breath of fresh air to find that autoimmune conditions are in fact curable and that with the right healing diets, supplements and eliminating the foods that feed pathogens I was able to wean off a long time immunosuppressant and get my health back. With Aisling’s support this transition is guided and supported which helped me so much when I slipped into self doubt and others questioned the path I was on. Now I feel confident going into my future with all my healing tools and the inner knowing activated that my body is designed to regenerate when I support it and clear out the toxins feeding the inflammation.



Module 1: Healing Pathway


Module 2: Liver and Lymphatic Systemย 


Module 3: Gut Health




Heart Healthย 


Thyroid Healthย 


Next Steps


Women’s Health from Maiden, Mother to Crone