What Causes Thyroid Conditions?

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Have you or your loved one being diagnosed with thyroid conditions? Hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, graves disease, goitre, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, thyroid nodules/cysts/tumours.

Or maybe you or your loved one have symptoms such as mystery weight gain or loss, fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, cold hands or feet, hot flashes/night sweats, edema, anxiety/depression, restless legs, joint pain, tingles and numbness, twitches and spasms, heart palpitations/irregular heart beat, tinnitus, vertigo, constipation, loss of libido, and the list goes on. 

None of these symptoms are caused by an imbalanced thyroid. 

Yes you read this correctly even if this is what you were told by a doctor. 

The true cause behind these symptoms and conditions is viral. 

It’s important to know that a virus is at the root of these illnesses, it is not your immune system attacking itself, as the autoimmune theory holds.

A virus cannot trigger your body’s immune system to attack healthy cells, it’s impossible for your body to attack itself, it’s simply not built this way. 

When a blood test picks up a high thyroid antibodies for example, it’s a response to a foreign invader (a virus) not because your body is attacking itself. 

For the majority of the symptoms listed the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the behind them, not the thyroid. 

In fact 95 % of thyroid problems are caused by EBV. EBV is not a trigger, it is in fact the root cause. 

This is great news as when you know the root cause you can focus on healing. 

Thyroid Nodules, cysts and tumours 

Here’s the truth about these lumps: they are yet another sign of your body working hard against the Epstein-Barr virus.

When the immune system isn’t able to destroy the virus altogether, it goes with its fallback option: attempting to wall off the virus with calcium.

That’s what thyroid nodules are: calcium prisons for EBV cells.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t get rid of the virus, because

(1) most of the EBV cells evade getting walled off, and

(2) those EBV cells that do get trapped make themselves at home within the calcium walls, continuing to feed off the thyroid and drain it of energy.

If the virus cells prosper too much in the nodule, they can transform it into a living growth—a cyst—which puts even more strain on the thyroid.

True Role of Your Thyroid 

Did you know that the thyroid does not manage your metabolism, and its hormones don’t control your weight/hunger or ignite your libido and elevate your energy? 

So what is the true role of your thyroid?

  1. It’s your body’s data centre, your second brain 
  2. The thyroid catalogues all markers of homeostasis in your body
  3. Records how the body is functioning 
  4. Sends out frequencies that delegate tasks and responsibilities in the body to keep things in balance 

What’s even more amazing is that your thyroid can perform all of these tasks even if your thyroid is damaged or removed

Current medical science knows nothing of all of this and believes that the thyroid exists solely to manage metabolism and control hormones. 

There’s so much more to this miraculous gland.

Undiscovered Thyroid Hormones 

Many people have heard about T3 and T4 that the thyroid produces but did you know about R5 and R6 hormones that are yet to be discovered by medical science?

R5 and R6 are actually frequency hormones that are regulated by the thyroid. They are involved in sending out the thyroid’s radio like frequencies that promote homeostasis throughout the body. 

How is that possible? We are constantly being told by the medical community that our hormones are being depleted.

The reality is that your body is so intelligent, your liver stores R5 and R6 and your adrenals can actually produce a blend that mimic them.

Now that we know about what’s really behind thyroid symptoms and conditions, let’s learn the best ways to begin to heal. 

Top 5 Healing foods

  1. Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage)
  2. Artichokes
  3. Sea vegetables
  4. Bananas
  5. Cucumbers 

By including these foods daily you’ll give your body the best opportunity to heal your thyroid.  

Top 5 Supplements

  1. B-12
  2. Zinc 
  3. Micro-C
  4. Spirulina 
  5. L-lysine 

Always remember to bring in 16 oz of celery juice and the Heavy Metal Detox smoothie to remove one of EBV’s favourite foods sources, toxic heavy metals. 

To your thriving thyroid,

Aisling xo 

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    Muriel Avatar

    Very informative.


      Aisling Avatar

      Thanks for sharing Muriel hope this supports you!